Monday, May 03, 2010

Ok another one.

Well, in the time of not posting for a while a lot of great music has surfaced....ALOT (all one word and capitalized)!  So here's a few new ones from a band called Snowden.  Don't know what it is...

So sexy, so good.  Enjoi.

Snowden performs "Anemone Arms" from Gothamist House on Vimeo.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

What God Hath Wrought....The Laarks. it's been a while since we've posted last...shit...since last year.  But, we have an excuse.  We've been cranking like crazy since the first of the year on some super cool projects.  So in the interim of our next real post let's talk about a band that has been plaguing us for some time now.  They are not a huge name nor have they received a ton of press but dammit, they're good.  Here's one that never stops playing (seems like) and can't get enough of it. 

What God Hath Wrought by The Laarks from the album An Exaltation of Laarks.

Please do them a favor and watch in high quality and listen as loud as possible...